
"The Preachers chiefly shall take heed that they teach nothing in their preaching, which they would have the people religiously to observe and believe, but that which is agreeable to the Doctrine of the Old Testament and the New, and that which the Catholick Fathers and Ancient Bishops have gathered out of that Doctrine." A proposed canon of Elizabeth I, 1571

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Location: Bedford, Texas, United States

I am a presbyter in the diocese of Fort Worth, Texas (Anglican Church in North America). I serve as Chaplain at St. Vincent's School and as a canon of St. Vincent's Cathedral Church in Bedford, Texas. In addition to my parish duties and teaching Religion classes in the school I am also the Middle School Social Studies teacher.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Diocese of Pittsburgh Realigns!

This afternoon the diocese of Pittsburgh voted to realign with the Anglican Province of the Southern Cone and to depart from the General Convention of the Episcopal Church by a vote of 121 yeas (75.6%) to 33 nays, with 3 abstentions and a couple of spoiled ballots, in the house of clergy and a laity vote of 119 in favor (63.2%), while 69 voted against and 3 abstained. May our prayers be with them as this realignment is carried out on the ground, that it may be done with charity and a spirit of co-operation by those on all sides of the issue and that Christ may be further glorified in the realigned diocese.

The diocese of Pittsburgh (Southern Cone) will hold a special convention to elect a bishop on November 7th. As Bishop Duncan is now a bishop in good standing of the Province of the Southern Cone, it is all but certain (God willing) he will be elected to resume his diocesan responsibilities in the realigned diocese at that time. In the meantime Bishop Duncan has been appointed by Archbishop Venables to serve as the Southern Cone's "commissary" in Pittsburgh until the November 7th special episcopal election, and the Standing Committee of the diocese has invited him to function sacramentally in the diocese until then.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm trusting they'll soon be in good company. (Not that they aren't already with ++Gregory and his leadership.)

9:53 PM  

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