
"The Preachers chiefly shall take heed that they teach nothing in their preaching, which they would have the people religiously to observe and believe, but that which is agreeable to the Doctrine of the Old Testament and the New, and that which the Catholick Fathers and Ancient Bishops have gathered out of that Doctrine." A proposed canon of Elizabeth I, 1571

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Location: Bedford, Texas, United States

I am a presbyter in the diocese of Fort Worth, Texas (Anglican Church in North America). I serve as Chaplain at St. Vincent's School and as a canon of St. Vincent's Cathedral Church in Bedford, Texas. In addition to my parish duties and teaching Religion classes in the school I am also the Middle School Social Studies teacher.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Oprah's Spirituality

This video from Oprah's recent "spirituality" class ("Are you ready to be awakened?") speaks for itself. She was "able to open her mind," stop "putting God in a box," and realize that there are a vast number of "paths" to "that which we call God." It turns out that God is not Someone (or even something) we are to believe in but rather something we "feel." Sounds like Oprah would make a fine successor for Presiding Bishop Schori one day, does it not?

Eckhart Tolle, her guru, spouts some fine New Age mystical "wisdom" midway through this clip as Oprah sits at the feet of her master in raptured awe. According to his website, "At the core of [Tolle's] teachings lies the transformation of consciousness, a spiritual awakening that he sees as the next step in human evolution. An essential aspect of this awakening consists in transcending our ego-based state of consciousness. This is a prerequisite not only for personal happiness but also for the ending of violent conflict endemic on our planet."

Oprah also quotes approvingly here from Elizabeth Lesser's The Seeker's Guide, which reminds us that we have a rich array of "spiritual gems" drawn from the religious traditions of the world on which to draw in our quest for enlightenment. It is up to us, after all, to create our own personal spiritual "necklaces" as we develop our "higher consciousnesses." Just be careful not to turn spirituality into an "ideology," or the doors will all close on you!

It is deeply sorrowing to think of how many people have fallen victim to the Enemy's snares by means of this woman's media empire, and how many more are likely to be led astray. May God help them, and Ms. Winfrey herself, to see the Truth of the One who laid down His life for them--the God of Exodus 20:5 and John 14:6, the Savior God whom Oprah rejected so long ago but who still loves her so very much. And may these prisioners be set free from "this present darkness" by the only Power in heaven, on earth, or under the earth mighty enough to trapple down the minions of Death and Hell, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


Blogger MM said...

Shades of Schliermacher.

... what worries me most is that incredible facility of a girl's school that Oprah is running for young women in South Africa... who knows what's being fed to the future high-powered mothers of a developing continent.

11:46 AM  
Blogger Fr Timothy Matkin said...

Something tells me that when Schori was asked by Time about whether Jesus was "the only way," she was thinking of that episode of Oprah last week where she heard that such an idea puts God in an awfully small box. Call it a hunch.

10:30 PM  
Blogger Julian said...

Yuck. Fortunately, the asker at least seems to have a suspicion that Oprah's take isn't going to fit with Catholicism, and she doesn't look entirely convinced just yet.

5:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew there was a good reason why I didn't take any peanut butter downtown to the WFAA studios this week. I can't support Oprah and therefore am suspicious of her "worthy causes."

12:46 AM  
Blogger Father Lee Nelson, SSC said...

Father, right on.

We really need to preach against this garbage.

11:21 AM  

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