I got a chance to introduce the flag of the Anglican Church in North America to our parishioners during "adult forum" between masses on Sunday morning. Dean Reed, Tom Murrell, and I then gave brief reports on the highly successful ACNA Provincial Assembly. Following those reports Bill Murchison, a columnist for the
Dallas Morning News, talked about
his new book, Mortal Follies, to our parishioners. I am sure this book is a fine analysis of the decline of the Episcopal church into it's present decrepit state, but I must admit that I find it more and more difficult to take a strong interest in the affairs of TEC. Frankly, while I remain concerned for the well-being of those faithful Christians who remain trapped within the structures of TEC, I am personally delighted to be done with that whole sorry business.
By the way, next Thursday is the day the Rt. Rev. Edwin F. "Ted" Gulick, Jr (the provisional bishop of the TEC-loyalist diocese of Fort Worth) is scheduled to inhibit the 60+ priests of the diocese of Fort Worth who departed from TEC last November along with our bishops and people, including myself. No one I have spoken with about this pending action by Bishop Gulick is much concerned. I am certainly not. Ironically, I received Bishop Gulick's letter telling me that I would be inhibited unless I immediately pledged fealty to him and to TEC on the very same day that ACNA was officially "constituted" at St. Vincent's last week.
Is it possible to purchase the ACNA flag for our church? If so, how?
That is one handsome flag. Will they be available for purchase?
They passed out a form at Assembly that says: "All merchandise may be ordered directly from the ACNA office at: 1001 Merchant Ave, Ambridge, PA 15003 or on-line at www.theacna.org " I don't think there is an on-line order form up yet, but contact the office in Ambridge and see if they are taking orders yet. We got our flag at St. Vincent's simply because the headquarters staff brought a couple down for the Provincial Assembly and we inherited one. It is a nice flag.
If you get through this passage in time without being inhibited by TEC, I would say something is wrong. I would see it as a badge of honor, however difficult it may be to receive.
I think it would have been much more homorable for you to have resigned your ministry in The Episcopal Church as soon as you joined another church. I think it always looks better on a resume to resign than to be "fired." Even if you have not lost your position at Saint Vincent's, some people will always view you as a two-timer (belonging to two churches at once). You were dishonest not to resign, and lots of people will see it that way FOREVER. I wish you well in your new church, and I do not harbor any resentment against you. I just wish you had seen the big picture and had done the honorable thing. You as a priest will always be looked at under the microscope by the laypeople. You are held to a higher standard by them. I have seen many clergy lose their careers for doing things that are not considered "bad" unless a clergy person does them. You, as clergy, will always be held to a higher standard.
I believe these priests transferred their canonical residence to the Southern Cone when the Diocese of Ft. Worth pulled out of TEC and as such didn't need to resign. Bishop Gulick is not their bishop and I don't believe that at any time these priests have ministered under both Bishop Gulick and Bishop Iker.
In relation to your comments about priests being held to a higher standard, you are, of course, correct. It is this very desire to hold themselves to the standards of Holy Scripture that has placed the majority of the clergy of the Diocese of Ft. Worth in conflict with TEC.
Some of us have been let down by bishops who didn't hold themselves or their priests to these same higher standards. Most of us have been hurt in one way or another during the separation that's been happening over the last five years. I pray that God will grant you peace.
Meh. Ugly. But we've got bigger things to worry about!
(Anglican Rite in full union with Rome)
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"St Peter lives in Rome"
by Robert A. Stackpole
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"Catholic Doctrine in Scripture"
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* Douay Rheims Bible
* Catechism of the Catholic Church
Your new flag has seen fit to omit the province of Newfoundland. I am sure that Bishop Harvey who is the mainstay of ACNA in Canada is from Newfoundland and I think he deserves better.
I have been reading some of the comments left by "anonymous". First of all why won't you tell us who you are? I guess you won't since you have such ugly things to say about Clergy not resigning. That is the item I read and found so lame. If you are unwilling to tell us who you are when you are bashing another person then your comments hold no merit in my opinion, and I value my opinion more than yours. My name is Gary McCord. Put on your grown up pants...
Nice share thanks for posting
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