A Thank You to the Priests of Our Diocese

I knew immediately what he meant. There were a few ECUSA priests I knew in Chicago who were doctrinally orthodox and treated the liturgy with respect, but there were elements of their personal lives or their personalities that were less than admirable to me. Then there were the vast majority: the teachers of unsound doctrine, advocates/practitioners of unhealthy lifestyles, and leaders of folly-ridden worship that made up the majority of ECUSA priests I met in my six years there. There were some ECUSA priests that had been decent to me personally, but I had no desire to emulate them--or even go to them for confession. This realization brought me low. Here I was prayerfully considering a possible vocation to the priesthood, and I didn't have regular contact with a single priestly role model in Chicago!
Then I came back home to Fort Worth. Almost as soon as I got back in town the diocese held a weekend "Vocations Retreat" at Camp Crucis (near Granbury, Texas), where all the seminarians and aspirants to Holy Orders in our diocese spent three days together and heard presentations on the theology of the ministerial priesthood and the lives and ministries of Anglican priests from men who had been serving as priests for decades. It was amazing! I found myself inspired, even emotionally overcome, by the presentations. I got to spend time with senior priests in Fort Worth, worshipping with them, talking with them over meals, praying with them. I realized on the third day of the retreat that after spending six years in a place where I met not a single priest whom I truly admired, in three days I had met a dozen priests whom I did respect--deeply respect. I cannot tell you how much that meant to me. I literally wept.
This is not to say that all of our priests are perfect. They are men, after all, not angels. They have their quirks like everyone else, and occassionally they come up short. But they are dedicated and sincere servants of God, sound teachers of the Faith and positive moral examples to their flocks. In the last two years I have met a dozen superb role models for aspirants and postulants. I just wanted to say, "Thank you, gentlemen, for your service and your example. Thank you for your fidelity."
The photo above is of the Renewal of Ordination Vows at the Chrism Mass held at St. Vincent's on Tuesday of Holy Week. The priests on the front row are among the most senior in our diocese. But don't be deceived--Fort Worth actually has one of the youngest Anglican presbyteries in the nation.
Ouch. I went through much the same in my later years in ECUSA (Diocese of El Camino Real) -- not quite half my life when I left.
Since then, I have met some in our province for whom I have the greatest respect, more than I'd had in the liberal ECUSA diocese that were all I'd ever known.
(um... "dioceses." Sorry.)
I really enjoyed reading that post.
I am so glad to know that you have some excellent priests down in Ft. Worth.
I was 30+ years old before I moved to my current parish, where I finally met priests to whom I could look for true spiritual guidance and who I admire as true holy men.
You're right - they're only human, but priests have a special responsibility (and indeed, so do Catholics and Anglicans who are laity) to behave a certain way, to emulate Jesus in their daily lives.
And I'm so glad I have priests who take that responsibility seriously.
As a priest of the diocese, I have had similar feelings and impressions to the oneds that you describe. I think one thing that is so important (and why we are so blessed here) is a strong peer group. When you have to be a loner somewhere, it is easy to grow lax. But when you are surrounded by those you look up to and who challenge you and encourage you, it is easier to remain strong and to strengthen one another.
I can't tell you how much the support of our bishop and clergy means to the FW Seminarians here at Nashotah House also. Our diocese is one of only a couple of dioceses that receive regular visits (at least two or three per yer)from our Bishop and senior clergy. It's amazing to see how some other dioceses simply send their aspirants and postulants off to seminary and practically forget about them. I'm so very thankful that this is not the case in Fort Worth.
Chad Nusbaum
Just wanted to say that I am encouraged by your comments on the state of affairs in Ft. Worth.
Thanks! I think Fr. Timotheos is correct - iron sharpens iron - together we make it easier for all of us to be faithful.
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