Last night, the feast of the Holy Cross, marked the third anniversary of my ordination as a presbyter in Christ's one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. It has been an astonishing three years. There have been so many people in the parish of St. Vincent's Cathedral Church, and especially at St. Vincent's School, who have played a crucial role in my growth as a priest.
Last night I hosted a dinner party to which I invited a number of the SVS students and alumni who have played an extraordinary role in my development as a teacher over the last seven years and as chaplain to the school over the last three years. While a few of those wonderful students have moved away and others were unable to attend last night due to athletic commitments at their present high schools, the majority of those kids I credit with playing a pivotal role in making me the priest and teacher that I am today honored me and humbled me by giving up their time to come and help me celebrate.
It has been a long time since I have been
this happy, surrounded by so many of my "best and brightest." Thank you, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you for all you have done for me as a minister and a person. Thank you for allowing me to continue to play a small role in your lives. And thank you to their wonderful parents for all their support. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!
And most importantly, I thank our Lord Jesus Christ for allowing me to serve Him in such a marvelous church and school community. I am truly blessed!