Subgroups within Anglo-Catholicism

While no doubt there is something in each entry with which one could quibble, I would pretty clearly fall into the "Prayer Book Catholic" (or "reformed Catholic") category as defined on that blog. (This runs contrary to my tendency to refer to myself as an "evangelical Catholic," but I am not a staunchly Peter Toon sort.) The Patristic Anglican's description seems to imply that folks like me are a dying breed. Perhaps so. That would explain what I have observed recently in the diocese of Fort Worth. The younger priests coming out of Nashotah House who serve in our diocese do seem to be either "Tridentine Catholics" or (especially) "Anglo-Papalists." I must be a bit of a throwback! Perhaps this explains why several of our recently ordained priests have been tempted to cross the Tiber, while I still have significant reservations. Clearly I am behind the times. Oh well. I am quite used to feeling like an ancient fly preserved in amber. One more instance is not all that troubling! ;-)
I wonder if there are further subdivisions within the Anglo-Papist? While it is certainly a lost to have priests "swim the Tiber", I would not be surprised if the Catholic Church finds them just as much a burden than a blessing. Not all Catholics share our Anglo-Papist friends conditionless alligence and infatuation with the Petrine See. I would not number the anglo papists greater than prayer book catholics. Having been part of Anglo catholic parishes in Arizona and New York, I can safely say that there are plently of Anglo-Catholics who love the 1979 prayerbook, have no desire to be under the yoke of Rome, and can still pull off Divine Liturgy. That being said, what is going on at Nashotah House that it is producing such extermities in priests?
Jay here. Nice observation, Ty. Yes, I don't think most Roman Catholics of my experience have anything like a "conditionless allegiance and infatuation" with Rome. Loyalty, respect, and puzzled bewilderment describe this Roman Catholic's attitudes.
Randall, I have recently heard American Episcopalians (pre-Robinson) divided into Anglo-Catholics, high church, and low church (evangelicals). This came as something of a surprise to me as I have always assumed, apparently wrongly, that "high-church" Anglicans were synonymous with Anglo-Catholics. (Perhaps you've previously explained this to me and I've simply forgotten.)
The more traditional division is Evangelicals, Anglo-Catholics and Broad Church. The Broad Church in America in recent years has tended to the theologically liberal and to the ceremonially moderate--though this depends on what one considers high, of course.
I think you're right. Too I think that the author of the referenced article puts too much Orthodox influence into his description of the Prayer-Book Anglican than is necessary. I consider myself in the prayer-book category as well but my sympathies are more with our Benedictine roots than any Orthodox influence.
I guess I'm a Prayer Book Catholic. Dang, becoming Anglo-Catholic snuck up on me. It must be a conspiracy.
Thanks Derek. Is it right, according to your answer, to say that Anglicans break down along theological and liturgical lines? In other words, could one be evangelical in theology, but Anglo-Catholic when it comes to reverence for the liturgy?
(I mean "evangelical" in those areas of theology not having much to do with liturgy.)
The churches I've always enjoyed the best are those with Anglo-Catholic liturgy and Evangelical preaching.
I'd say the real complication comes in how you understand the sacraments, though.
See, the problem that "real" Anglo-Catholics have with the AffCat crowd is that they're liberal/Broad Church in theology yet Anglo-Catholic in liturgy. The "real" Anglo-Catholics will tell you that you have to be Anglo-Catholic in *both* or you don't count...
And the scare quotes around real is because Anglo-Catholic is generally a self-applied label meaning there really aren't clear standards.
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